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in Plano, TX
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Other Local Lawyers
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Plano, TX
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Plano, TX
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Bankruptcy Law
Plano, TX, 75024
Thomas Fiedler
Bankruptcy Law
Plano, TX
Timothy Sorenson
Bankruptcy Law
Plano, TX, 75024
Lloyd Hoffman
Bankruptcy Law
Plano, TX, 75075
Erin Clark
Bankruptcy Law
Plano, TX, 75024
Jonathan Cunningham
Bankruptcy Law
Plano, TX, 75024
Kevin Walsh
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Plano, TX, 75024
Brian Allen
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Plano, TX
Robert Barron
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Plano, TX
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Plano, TX, 75024
Susan Young
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Plano, TX, 75024
Michael Mitchell
Bankruptcy Law
Plano, TX
Other categories
Choose the category that best fits your case
Abuse (Child, Domestic, Sexual)
Agencies & Administration
Automobile (DUI, Crimes, Speeding)
Automobiles (Accidents, Insurance)
Banking (Business, Consumer, Mortgage)
Bankruptcy (Business, Consumer)
Bars & Restaurants
Business Formation & Dissolution
Children (Adoption, Custody, Support)
Class Actions (Bad Drugs, Products)
Commercial Law and Contracts
Commercial Real Estate
Constitutional Law
Construction (Disputes, Liens)
Credit (Collections, Rights)
Criminal Defense (General/Other)
Discrimination/Harassment (Age, Sex)
Eminent Domain or Condemnation
Employment Contracts
Entertainment & Media
Environmental Law/Zoning Regulation
Family Law (General/Other)
Faulty/Defective Products/Services (Auto, Drug)
Financing & Taxes
Government (General/Other)
Health Care & Insurance
House or Condominium
Husband & Wife
Injuries (Personal, Workers Comp)
Injury Accidents (Auto, Wrongful Death)
Insurance (Auto, Health, Life, Property)
Intentional Injuries (Assault, Bites)
Investments (Annuities, Securities, IPOs)
Malpractice (Medical, Professional)
Parents (Elder Law/Care, Medicare, SSI)
Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, etc.
Pay and Benefits
Personal Crimes
Police, Prosecutors and Government
Probate & Contested Wills
Property Crimes
Real Estate/Property (General/Other)
Social Security
Transportation (Air, Rail, Sea, Truck)
Unfair Competition
Visas, Citizenship, Deportation, etc.
White Collar Crime
Workers' Compensation
Wrongful Termination