Reviewing a Lawyer Profile

Lawyers who register with LegalMatch create a Lawyer Profile. In the Lawyer Profile, lawyers describe their qualifications, credentials, and experience. Lawyer Profiles include essential information that you should consider when selecting a lawyer. Whether you are considering a lawyer's response to your case, a Flat Fee/Special Response, or just browsing the lawyer listings, you should always review a Lawyer Profile for relevant information.

Keep in mind, however, that the information in the Profile is provided by the lawyers. LegalMatch does not verify this information, nor does it make recommendations or endorsements of the use of any lawyer's services. Lawyers are expected to provide accurate and truthful information according to the Rules of Professional Responsibility.

The Lawyer Profile does not include the lawyer's contact information. However, you may contact a lawyer by clicking the Contact button.

Things to Consider When Viewing a Profile

What To Look For

Each lawyer creates an extensive profile to help you get a sense of who that lawyer is and how he or she may be a good match for you and your case. We encourage you to examine the Profile carefully, looking at each factor to determine whether a lawyer will be a good match.

Several aspects of a Profile can be used to determine whether a given lawyer possesses the qualifications you need. For example, if you need assistance in a breach of contract action, make certain that the lawyer lists contracts in the Categories section, which lists areas of law which the lawyer practices. Then, see whether the lawyer lists any contract cases in the Specific Experience section. Any publications in contract law would also indicate that the lawyer has experience in this area.

While you are examining a lawyer's Profile, you might come across a list of cases or transactions that the lawyer has won or with which the lawyer has been successful. Keep in mind that while these are important factors to consider, past success is not an indication of future performance.


After you review the lawyer's Profile, you can click the Ratings link to see how other clients rate the lawyer's services. These ratings describe the client's experiences with a given lawyer. Ratings will provide you with information regarding how professional or helpful a lawyer acted with other clients.

When looking at the lawyer's ratings, keep in mind that experiences may vary from client to client because of the unique relationship between a lawyer and each client, and the unique nature of each client's case.

How to View a Lawyer Profile:

Click the Lawyer ID number or the "Profile" link on any page where it appears.

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