There is no single answer to a question about the cost of suing for breach of contract in New Jersey. That is because there are a number of different factors that affect the cost of a lawsuit, including the cost of hiring an attorney. Attorneys do not all bill in the same way or charge the same amount for their services. A local attorney in New Jersey would be able to provide more information about how attorneys bill clients in New Jersey.
In addition, there is the hourly or flat fee that a lawyer may charge, and then there is the total cost of representation by a lawyer from the beginning of a case to its conclusion. Another cost of suing for breach of contract is the cost of filing a lawsuit in the appropriate court.
If a party to a contract seeks $5000.00 or less in damages in their lawsuit for breach of the contract, they may be able to file in a New Jersey small claims court. In small claims court, the filing fee would be minimal, e.g., from $30 to $100. In legal terminology, the individual who begins a lawsuit is the “plaintiff,” and the party sued is the “defendant.”
Plaintiffs seeking $20,000 or less file their lawsuits in the special civil division of New Jersey superior courts. If a plaintiff seeks more than $20,000, they would sue in a regular civil superior court.
Generally, one may expect to pay an average of $254 to $500 per hour for an attorney who handles New Jersey breach of contract cases. The hourly rate of an attorney depends on a number of different factors. Usually, attorneys in large cities, such as Newark or Hoboken, or in more affluent areas charge a higher hourly rate than attorneys in smaller towns or rural areas. Some lawyers in New Jersey might charge as much as $500 per hour or more.
Also, an attorney’s reputation in a particular market and their experience in a certain field of law, e.g., breach of contract disputes, affects the hourly rate they may charge. An attorney with an exceptional reputation and a lot of experience with New Jersey breach of contract cases would be able to command a higher hourly rate than one who does not have these advantages. A legal consultation would be the best way to learn about an attorney’s fees.
What Is a Breach of Contract Attorney, and Why Might You Need One?
Generally, a breach of contract attorney is an attorney who has knowledge of the law of contracts and experience with cases that involve alleged breach of contract. If an individual has a significant breach of contract case, i.e., one in which their damages are over $5,000 to $10,000, they want an experienced attorney.
An experienced attorney has a more extensive knowledge of the law that may apply to a case and an understanding of how local courts work and may react to the case. They may know other attorneys in the community who are involved in the case, and this may help in a variety of ways. As with most issues, experience with the law, local courts, and local attorneys could give a certain attorney an edge in presenting their clients.
What Other Factors Cause the Costs of a Lawyer To Vary?
As noted above, a lawyer with a lot of experience, especially in breach of contract disputes, and a superlative reputation may charge more. As for the total breach of contract lawyer cost in connection with their representation in a particular case would depend on how complex the case is and the amount of time that an attorney must devote to it before it comes to an end.
Again, this is because an attorney charges their hourly fee for every hour that they spend working on a case. The more hours spent on the case, the higher their total attorney’s fee will be.
Generally speaking, most attorneys bill by the hour, and their fee depends on the number of hours that the attorney spends working on a client’s case, as well as their hourly fee. In some cases, an attorney might charge a flat fee to handle a case from beginning to end. However, in most cases, an attorney would charge an hourly fee.
It is also possible that a plaintiff or defendant might recover their attorney’s fees from the other party if they are successful with their case. This would depend on the contract at issue in the lawsuit and the law that applies to it. It would not be possible in all cases, but it might be possible in some.
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What Services Do Breach of Contract Attorneys Provide?
Breach-of-contract lawyers may perform many different tasks. Some of the key services they would provide in a case may include the following:
- Legal consultation: Before hiring a lawyer, one should schedule an attorney consultation to discuss their case, learn about their options, and get a feeling for the lawyer and the lawyer’s services. Many lawyers offer a low-cost or even free first meeting to discuss the case. If the client hires them, they will provide the services noted below.
- Document preparation: A lawyer prepares and files with the appropriate court all the necessary documents that a person needs for their case, including complaints and answers, petitions, responses, supporting documents, and motions.
- Negotiation and mediation: As mentioned earlier, a lawyer can represent someone during negotiation and mediation to help them reach an acceptable settlement of their dispute. Some negotiations might be informal, but they could still be important to the case. It is generally advantageous to settle a case before going to trial, as a trial can be quite expensive.
- Litigation: If there has to be a trial in the case, their lawyer can represent them in a trial in court. Their lawyer would prepare and present evidence and arguments on their behalf and fight for the best possible outcome for the plaintiff or defendant, depending on whom they represent.
- Appeal: If one does not get the result they want from a trial, their lawyer can appeal the court’s ruling. The lawyer would prepare the appeal and argue the case before the appellate court.
Lawyers experienced in contracts may also be hired to negotiate and write contracts for individuals and businesses. If a transaction is important, an individual who is involved in the transaction might want to have a lawyer who is knowledgeable about contract law write the contract for the deal.
Or an individual might be handed a contract to sign and want a lawyer to review it. For example, a prospective employee might be given an employment contract to sign. They would definitely benefit from having a lawyer review the contract and tell them how it benefits or does not benefit them and what changes they might wish to request.
What Are the Advantages of Hiring a Breach of Contract Lawyer?
A breach of contract lawyer is familiar with breach of contract law in New Jersey. They also understand the special procedures involved in prosecuting a civil lawsuit, the rules of civil procedure. A lawyer recognizes when you might need the services of an expert witness in order to prove your case or to defend you adequately if you have been named as a defendant in a lawsuit. And the lawyer would know some experts who are good witnesses.
If an individual files their breach of contract lawsuit in a small claims court, they might be able to represent themselves effectively because a small claims court is designed to be accessible to people who wish to represent themselves. The amount that one party to a contract seeks to collect from the other party may not even justify spending a lot of money on a lawyer.
However, if a breach of contract lawsuit is filed in any other New Jersey court, a plaintiff would be well advised to have a lawyer represent them.
Should I Talk to a Lawyer About My Breach of Contract Case?
If you have an issue with breach of a contract, either because the other party to it has not performed as promised or because you have not done so, you want to consult a New Jersey breach of contract lawyer. can put you in touch with a lawyer who can analyze the facts of your case and provide you with superior representation. Your lawyer will protect your interests and pursue the best possible result for you.
Jose Rivera
Managing Editor
Last Updated: Jan 28, 2025