Child Support Lawsuit by an Adult Child in Minnesota

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 Can an Adult Child Sue a Parent for Back Child Support in Minnesota?

Yes, in Minnesota, an adult child can sue for back child support under certain circumstances. It is important to first understand what child support is. Child support in Minnesota is a court-ordered payment that is made by one parent to the other parent or conservator for the benefit of their child or children.

Specifically, child support is a court-determined periodic payment that is ordered by Minnesota family courts when a child’s biological parents are separating or going through the divorce process.

Generally speaking, the parent who does not have primary physical custody of the child or who lives with a child less than half of the time is typically the parent who is ordered to make child support payments.

The purpose of child support is to provide for a child’s basic needs, such as their food, clothing, education, and medical care. When calculating child support, the total amount of the child support will be based on various different factors.

Factors that may impact the total amount of child support In Minnesota include:

  • Gross Income of Both Parents: Gross income includes wages, bonuses, commissions, and certain benefits
  • Childcare Costs: Expenses for childcare necessary for a parent’s employment or education are factored in
  • Healthcare Costs: Medical and dental insurance premiums, as well as unreimbursed medical expenses for the child
  • Number of Children: The total number of children requiring support will also affect the support obligation
  • Parenting Time: The amount of time each parent spends with the child is taken into account. More time with the noncustodial parent may lead to adjustments in support
  • Child’s Extraordinary Expenses: Costs related to special needs, education, or extracurricular activities may be considered
  • Best Interests of the Child: Courts will always utilize the child’s best interests standard, which prioritizes the child’s best interests and can lead to deviations from the standard calculation if necessary
  • Income Disparities: Significant income differences between parents may also warrant deviations from the general guideline amount
  • Shared Custody Expenses: If parents share custody nearly equally, deviations may be considered to account for shared expenses
  • Support for Other Children: Obligations to support other children not part of the current case may lead to deviations from the guideline amount
  • Extraordinary Childcare Costs: Exceptionally high childcare costs due to special needs or circumstances may be considered
  • Parenting Time Adjustment: Courts may adjust child support if the parenting time arrangement is significantly different from the norm
  • Education Expenses: For educational expenses like private school tuition or tutoring, deviations from the standard may also be granted

Specifically, the factors and the formula used to calculate guideline child support in Minnesota in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 518A, Section 518A.35. That statute outlines the guidelines for determining child support obligations, including the Income Shares formula.

The income shares model considers the combined incomes of both parents and the number of children to determine the appropriate amount of support. The formula also takes into account factors such as healthcare and childcare expenses, which were listed above.

The percentage of net income allocated for child support depends on the number of children, as follows:

  • 1 child: 25% of the paying parent’s net income
  • 2 children: 30% of the paying parent’s net income
  • 3 children: 35% of the paying parent’s net income
  • 4 child: 40% of the paying parent’s net income
  • 5 children: 45% of the paying parent’s net income
  • 6 children: 50% of the paying parent’s net income
  • 7 or more children: The court may deviate from the guidelines based on specific circumstances

In some cases, a parent may not timely pay their court ordered child support. In such cases, that parent will be considered to have violated their court order, and they may be sued for child support enforcement.

A child support enforcement action carries various different legal penalties and consequences. In Minnesota, both the parent receiving child support and a child who has become an adult have the right to bring a child support enforcement action. This can be done to recover back child support that was not paid when it was due. These enforcement actions can help ensure that the child receives the financial support they were entitled to.

The law in Minnesota that allows a child who has become an adult to bring a child support enforcement action can be found in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 518A, Section 518A.35. This statute outlines the enforcement of child support orders and includes provisions for adult children seeking back child support.

It is important to note that in the state of Minnesota, an adult child has up to 20 years from the date the last child support payment was owed to bring a lawsuit for child support arrears. This means that if the last payment was due on a specific date, such as the end of the month, the adult child has 20 years from that date in order to file a lawsuit to collect any overdue support.

When Is Child Support Owed to an Adult Child?

In Minnesota, child support may continue after a child reaches 18 years old if the child is still in high school or if they have a disability that prevents them from becoming self-supporting. This is outlined in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 518A, Section 518A.39.

In Minnesota, child support generally includes provisions for health insurance coverage for the child. However, the obligation to provide health insurance coverage typically extends until the child turns 18 or up to 20 if they are still attending secondary school.

It is important to note that the requirement to provide health insurance coverage until the child is 26 years old applies mainly to dependents covered under a parent’s health insurance plan due to federal laws, such as the Affordable Care Act, but this is separate from the child support statutes.

What Is a Lawsuit for Child Support in Arrears?

A lawsuit for child support in arrears in Minnesota is a legal action initiated by either the parent who is owed the support or a child who has become an adult in order to collect overdue child support payments.

As noted above, when a parent fails to make the required child support payments, the unpaid amount becomes known as “arrears” or “child support arrears.” The parent or adult child who is owed that support can then file a lawsuit to recover these past due payments.

That lawsuit will seek to enforce the original child support order and may also include various remedies such as wage garnishment, intercepting tax refunds, suspending licenses, or placing liens on property. The goal of the lawsuit is to ensure that the child receives the financial support they were entitled to, even if it was missed in the past.

What Are Some Issues With Lawsuits for Child Support in Arrears?

Initiating and pursuing a lawsuit for child support arrears in Minnesota can involve several issues for the party seeking child support arrears, including:

  • Locating the Non-Paying Parent: If the parent who owes child support has moved or is difficult to locate, this can complicate enforcement efforts, as that parent is legally entitled to service of the child support enforcement lawsuit
  • Financial Situation of the Non-Paying Parent: If the non-paying parent is unemployed, underemployed, or has significant financial difficulties, collecting back support can be challenging
  • Length of Time Since Arrears Accumulated: The longer the period of unpaid support, the more complex it can be to calculate and collect the total amount owed, as interest may also play a role
  • Interstate Issues: If the non-paying parent resides in a different state, navigating interstate child support enforcement laws and regulations can be complicated and often requires an attorney licensed in the state in which the parent that owes the support lives
  • Legal Costs: Hiring an attorney and going through the legal process can often be costly, and the party seeking support may need to weigh these expenses against the potential recovery
    • In Minnesota, if you file a lawsuit for back child support, the court may order the party who owes the back support to pay the filing party’s attorney fees
  • Documentation and Proof: Providing thorough documentation and proof of the unpaid support can be time-consuming and sometimes difficult
  • Statute of Limitations: Minnesota allows up to 20 years to pursue arrears, but failure to comply with such time limits results in not being able to pursue the arrears
  • Enforcement Mechanisms: Utilizing enforcement mechanisms such as wage garnishment, tax refund interception, and liens on property may require persistent and coordinated efforts from collection professionals
  • Court Backlog: Court processes can sometimes be slow due to high caseloads, which often lead to delays in obtaining a resolution
  • Emotional Strain: Legal battles over child support can be emotionally taxing for all parties involved, including the children

A local Minnesota lawyer will be most familiar with the civil laws and procedures regarding child support arrears. As such, they can help you enforce your child support order and seek arrears from the non-custodial parent.

Do I Need To Hire a Lawyer for Help With Unpaid Child Support Issues?

If you are having any issue related to unpaid child support, then it is in your best interests to consult an attorney immediately. LegalMatch can assist you in locating and setting up a consultation with an experienced Minnesota child support attorney.

An experienced lawyer will be able to help you determine your best course of legal action for recovering your unpaid child support. They will also be able to help you file the paperwork necessary to initiate a lawsuit to collect unpaid child support from the other party. Finally, a child support lawyer can also represent you in court, as needed.

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