Fair Dealing in a Business Sales Contract

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 What Is Fair Dealing in a Business Sales Contract?

Fair dealing in a business sales contract refers to the expectation that all parties involved, especially a business sale contract, will act in good faith toward one another. This fair dealing definition encompasses honesty, integrity, and transparency in all dealings related to the contract.

The principle serves as a safeguard, ensuring neither party takes unfair advantage of the other or acts deceptively. It’s worth noting that this fair dealing meaning and “contract good faith and fair dealing” are terms often used interchangeably.

What Are Some Examples of Violations of Fair Dealing Requirements?

Violations of fair dealing requirements can manifest in various ways, including but not limited to:


Misrepresentation refers to when one party intentionally or unintentionally presents false information about any aspect of the business or its assets during sales. There are three main types of misrepresentation:

  • Fraudulent Misrepresentation: This occurs when one party knowingly makes false statements to deceive the other.
  • Negligent Misrepresentation: This involves making false statements carelessly, believing them to be true.
  • Innocent Misrepresentation: This is when false statements are made without the intent to deceive, and the party genuinely believes the statements to be accurate.

For instance, if a seller claims that their business has never faced any legal issues when, in reality, it has, this is a clear case of misrepresentation.


Concealment is a deception where a party intentionally omits or hides material facts about the business or its assets. This can be particularly deceptive because it’s not just about providing false information but also deliberately withholding essential information that can impact the buyer’s decision.

An example would be a seller intentionally failing to disclose a significant pending lawsuit against the business.


Coercion involves using threats, intimidation, or undue pressure to force another party into a decision or agreement. In the context of a business sales contract, this might mean pressuring a buyer to agree to unfavorable terms by threatening legal action or tarnishing their reputation.

Coercion nullifies the principle of a contract being a mutual agreement, as one party feels compelled to agree against their better judgment.

Breach of Confidentiality

Breach of confidentiality occurs when one party discloses sensitive, confidential, or proprietary information related to the business without proper authorization or contrary to the terms of a confidentiality agreement. Such breaches can significantly harm the business’s competitive standing and could lead to legal ramifications. For instance, revealing trade secrets, client lists, or strategic business plans to unauthorized individuals or competitors can significantly harm a company’s competitive edge and overall value.

What Are the Consequences of Violations of Fair Dealing Requirements in a Sales Contract Claim?

Violating the principles of fair dealing can have severe repercussions for the party in breach. This can range from monetary penalties to nullifying the entire sales contract.

Nullifying a sales contract, or “rescission,” means rendering the contract void, as if it never existed. Such nullification can arise from various grounds, including misrepresentation, mutual mistake, coercion, lack of legal capacity, or the contract’s inherent illegality. When a contract is nullified, both parties return to their pre-contractual positions, and any exchanged money or goods are typically reverted. While parties can mutually agree to nullify, disputes may require a court order. Such a legal move rescinds all obligations under the contract, but if the parties still wish to transact, they must negotiate a new contract. Due to the intricate nature of nullification, consulting with a legal professional is advisable.

Additionally, a breach can tarnish the reputation of the involved party, making future business endeavors challenging. When one party fails to uphold their contractual obligations, it doubts their reliability and trustworthiness. Word of such breaches often spreads within industry circles, leading potential partners to approach cautiously or avoid dealings altogether. Over time, a tarnished reputation can result in lost opportunities, diminished partnerships, and reduced financial gains as stakeholders seek more trustworthy collaborators.

In legal contexts, the offending party may also be liable for damages resulting from the breach, depending on the nature and severity of the violation. Below, we will review some remedies for violating fair dealing requirements in a sales contract.

What Are the Remedies for Violating Fair Dealing Requirements in a Sales Contract?

In the event of a violation, several remedies are available:

Monetary Damages

Monetary damages are financial compensation awarded to the aggrieved party to compensate for losses or damages suffered due to the other party’s breach. They are the most common remedy in contract disputes. For example, if a seller breaches a business sales contract by delivering faulty equipment, monetary damages could be awarded to the buyer to cover repairing or replacing the equipment.

There are different types of monetary damages:

  • Compensatory Damages: Aimed at compensating the non-breaching party for the loss incurred. If a seller fails to deliver goods on time, the buyer might claim the additional costs of sourcing the goods elsewhere.
  • Consequential Damages: Cover indirect losses from the breach, like lost profits.
  • Liquidated Damages: Predetermined damages agreed upon in the contract, set in place for potential breaches.
  • Nominal Damages: Small amounts are awarded when there’s a breach, but no real financial loss has occurred.
  • Specific Performance: Specific performance is a legal remedy that compels the breaching party to fulfill their obligations as outlined in the contract rather than paying monetary damages. This is typically used when the subject of the contract is unique or when monetary damages are insufficient. For instance, in selling a unique piece of real estate or art, the buyer might not want money but the actual item, leading them to seek a specific performance.

Contract Termination

When a breach of contract is substantial, the non-breaching party might have the right to terminate the contract entirely. This means that neither party has any further obligations under the contract.

For example, if a business sales contract stipulates that the seller must deliver goods by a specific date and to do so, the buyer might decide to terminate the contract instead of waiting for a later delivery.


Restitution aims to restore the aggrieved party to their position before the contract was formed. This usually involves the breaching party returning any goods, money, or property received under the contract to undo the benefits they’ve unjustly received. For instance, if a buyer pays in advance for certain services, but the seller then breaches the agreement by not providing those services, restitution would involve returning the advanced payment to the buyer.

Do I Need a Lawyer for Help With Fair Dealing in a Business Sales Contract?

Yes, understanding the complexities of a business sales contract and the nuances of fair dealing can be challenging. It’s beneficial to consult a knowledgeable contract lawyer who can provide clarity and guidance and protect your interests.

If you’re looking to draft, review, or enforce a business sales contract, or if you believe there’s been a breach of fair dealing, LegalMatch can connect you with the right attorney to help you address your specific needs and concerns.

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