How to Terminate Child Support in Wyoming

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 Can Child Support Be Dropped in Wyoming?

If a child’s parent has to pay child support in Wyoming, they will usually be required to make payments until their child becomes an adult, graduates high school, or gets married. If the child has special needs or a disability, a parent may have to pay child support even after they become an adult.

Child support orders are often used by family courts in cases that involve children. They may provide a date when the paying parent is allowed to stop child support payments.

Parents who have to pay child support that is ordered by a court should make sure that they always follow the terms of the order. If they have any questions about their child support order in Wyoming, they should contact a local attorney in Wyoming who can help them understand their responsibilities under the order.

A paying parent should always continue to make their payments as ordered until they get a new order from a court that states they can stop. If their current child support order lists a date or event when their obligation will end, they will be able to stop at that time.

If a parent thinks that their current child support order should be modified, they will need to request a modification from the court. There are some situations, such as a custody change or job loss, that may serve as the basis for modification.

When Is Child Support Ordered?

A parent may be ordered to pay child support in Wyoming if they go through a legal separation or Wyoming divorce. A court can also issue a child support order after a paternity lawsuit when a father seeks custody or visitation rights.

Unmarried mothers can request a child’s biological father to pay child support. Child support orders are legally binding on both parents, no matter the type of case it is issued from.

When a Wyoming court orders a parent to pay child support and they fail to do so, they can face negative legal consequences. It is most common for noncustodial parents to make payments to custodial payments.

Courts in Wyoming will use guidelines and formulas for calculating child support provided by the state. A parent who has custody of a child is not required to pay child support because they already support their child financially.

When making decisions about child support, a court in Wyoming will consider many issues, including:

  • The child’s best interests standard
  • Each parents’ income
  • The ages of the paying parent’s other children with child support orders
  • Childcare expenses
  • The custody arrangement
  • The number of children that each of the parents has

In some cases, a noncustodial parent will also have to pay retroactive child support. This can happen when the noncustodial parent did not have to make child support payments during a divorce. Once the case is finalized, the parent ordered to pay child support may have to pay for the time the case was being resolved.

How Is a Child Support Award Enforced?

Federal laws require that states have programs to help enforce child support orders. In the State of Wyoming, child support orders are enforced by the Wyoming Child Support Program (WCSP).

Agencies that enforce child support orders may also provide individuals with other services, such as:

  • Helping a parent obtain a child support order
  • Establishing paternity
  • Finding the other parent
  • Enforcing an existing child support order by collecting amounts due

Child support enforcement agencies often begin the enforcement process by sending correspondence to paying parents to try and collect past-due support amounts before they take other actions. If those attempts are not successful, an enforcement agency may do other things, such as:

  • Placing liens on property
  • Increasing the amount of money that the agency withholds from a parent’s paycheck
  • Setting up a payment plan
  • Intercepting federal and state tax refunds
  • Charging interest on past due child support payments
  • Intercepting winnings from sports betting
  • Denying loans, grants, or passports

How Can I Avoid a Child Support Increase?

Parents who pay child support may be concerned about whether they will be able to modify their child support order or avoid an increase in their payments. A potential paying parent may also want to get an idea of what they will be ordered to pay.

In most situations, a child support order will not automatically be adjusted when changes occur. If a parent wants to increase payment amounts, they will have to petition the court for a modification.

An increase in the child support payment amount may occur due to changes in:

  • Income
  • The needs of the child
  • The custody schedule
  • Childcare arrangements
  • Health insurance

It is important to be aware that quitting a job on purpose will not help an individual avoid an increase in their payment amount and may result in additional consequences.

How Can I Stop Paying Child Support?

In some situations, the paying parent may be allowed to stop paying child support or to ask the court to close a child support case, such as:

  • Their child reaches the age of majority
  • The child graduates high school
  • The child is legally emancipated
  • Their child dies
  • The child becomes self-supporting
  • The court terminates the rights of one of the parents

When the paying parent loses their job, they may ask that the court lower or terminate their obligation. As noted above, however, quitting a job will not typically be acceptable.

Do Child Support Payments End Automatically?

It is not typical for child support requirements to automatically end. As discussed above, however, if the order provided a date of termination for the payments, their obligation will stop on that date.

A parent who is responsible for paying child support should be aware that they will be responsible for ensuring that their obligations end at an appropriate time. If an individual wants information on when they can request a termination, they should consult with an attorney.

How To Get Child Support Arrears Dismissed

Sometimes, a parent who is ordered to pay child support may fall behind on those payments. If there is an amount that is past due, it’s called arrears. Even after the paying parent’s current obligation ends, they may still owe arrears.

It can be challenging to have child support arrears dismissed. Paying parents may need to file a motion to dismiss child support arrears when they have a reason they are unable to make their payments, such as having a disability.

Arrears can also be dismissed when the receiving parent signs a waiver relieving the paying parent of their obligation.

Do I Need a Lawyer for Help With Terminating Child Support?

If you are a child support paying parent in Wyoming who believes they may qualify to terminate your child support payments, you can reach out to a Wyoming child support lawyer. Your attorney can help you determine if you are able to lower or terminate your payments and, if so, submit a petition to the court.

Using LegalMatch, you have an easy and free way to locate an attorney near you who can help you terminate your child support. When you submit your concern on the website, within about 24 hours, you will get responses from member lawyers, which include information on their fees, background, and past client reviews.

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