What Is Mercury Poisoning?
Heavy metal poisoning, including mercury poisoning occurs when an individual is exposed to high levels of a heavy metal, which may also include:
- Lead;
- Cadmium;
- Arsenic; and
- Others.
This may occur through ingestion, inhalation, or absorption through the skin. Heavy metals are toxic and may accumulate in an individual’s body over time, which leads to various health issues.
In general, the main cause of mercury poisoning is the ingestion of mercury-laden foods, which may include fish and shellfish. Other sources of mercury that are ingested can come from imported medications.
There are also less common sources of mercury, including:
- Dental fillings;
- Broken mercury thermometers; or
- Fluorescent light bulbs.
At higher doses, mercury poisoning may lead to neurological issues, including:
- Headaches;
- Limb numbness;
- Insomnia;
- Convulsions; and
- Uncoordinated movement.
At low levels, mercury exposure may cause brain damage. In addition, birth defects are common when pregnant women are exposed to mercury poisoning.
What Does Mercury Poisoning Do to a Person?
When heavy metals accumulate in an individual’s body, they can cause different toxic effects and health issues. The effects of the poisoning will depend on:
- The specific metal;
- The amount of exposure; and
- The individual’s age and overall health.
Common medical effects of heavy metal poisoning include:
- Neurological problems: Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic may cause damage to an individual’s brain and nervous system. Symptoms may include:
- tremors;
- seizures;
- cognitive impairment; and
- behavioral changes;
- Gastrointestinal issues: Heavy metals like cadmium and lead may cause gastrointestinal problems such as:
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- diarrhea; and
- abdominal pain;
- Renal problems: Heavy metals such as mercury and lead may cause kidney damage, which leads to to reduced kidney function and, in some cases, kidney failure;
- Cardiovascular problems: Exposure to heavy metals like mercury, lead, and cadmium has been linked to cardiovascular issues, including:
- high blood pressure;
- heart disease; and
- Stroke; and
- Reproductive problems: Heavy metal exposure may affect the reproductive system, possibly leading to infertility or birth defects.
What Are the Causes of Heavy Metal Poisoning?
Individuals who work in certain industries are at a higher risk for heavy metal poisoning because of the exposure through skin contact, ingestion, or inhalation, including:
- Mining;
- Smelting;
- Battery manufacturing; and
- Electronic waste recycling.
Exposure to heavy metals may also occur because of industrial waste, pesticide runoff, or contaminated drinking water. There are also certain types of foods that can contain high levels of mercury, such as fish.
In addition, certain dietary supplements, for example, herbal remedies and Ayurvedic medicines, can contain high levels of heavy metals. If an individual has dental fillings made of silver amalgam, they may contain small amounts of mercury that can leach into the body over time.
There are also consumer products, such as jewelry, cosmetics, and toys that may contain heavy metals which can be ingested or absorbed through the skin. Although these examples are some of the most common ways heavy metal poisoning occurs, it may happen to any individual at any age, regardless of their lifestyle or occupation.
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What Are the Symptoms of Heavy Metal Poisoning?
Common heavy metal poisoning symptoms include, but may not be limited to:
- Fatigue and weakness;
- Headaches;
- Nausea and vomiting;
- Abdominal pain and cramping;
- Diarrhea;
- Joint and muscle pain;
- Difficulty breathing;
- Cognitive problems, such as memory loss and confusion;
- Mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression;
- Tremors and seizures;
- Skin rashes and irritations;
- Peripheral neuropathy, which is tingling, numbness, or pain in extremities; and
- Impaired kidney function.
An individual may have symptoms immediately after they are exposed to high levels of heavy metals or their symptoms may develop over a longer period of time. In certain cases, the poisoning may lead to organ damage that can be life-threatening.
In severe cases, heavy metal poisoning may lead to organ damage, organ failure, or even death. If an individual suspects they may be suffering from heavy metal poisoning or have been exposed to heavy metals, they should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Healthcare professionals can test to determine if heavy metal poisoning is present as well as recommend appropriate treatment options. The treatment for heavy metal poisoning typically involves removing the source of exposure and using chelation therapy to remove the heavy metals from the individual’s body.
Who Can Be Held Liable for Mercury Poisoning?
There are several parties who may be held liable for mercury poisoning, depending on the facts of the case. An employer has a legal obligation to provide a safe workplace and to protect its employees from harmful substances.
If an employee is exposed to mercury on the job and suffers from poisoning as a result, their employer may be liable for damages. Manufacturers that make products containing heavy metals, for example, toys, cosmetics, and jewelry, may be held liable if their products cause mercury poisoning.
In certain situations, a healthcare provider may be held liable if they fail to diagnose or properly treat mercury poisoning. A government agency may be held liable if it fails to regulate the use of a heavy metal, such as mercury, or fails to take action to prevent exposure to it.
Can I Test for Mercury Poisoning at Home?
Yes, there are currently at home tests offered for mercury poisoning if an individual suspects they may have been exposed. These tests usually come with a kit and a full set of instructions.
What Compensation Could I Get in a Mercury Poisoning Case?
If an individual has suffered from heavy metal poisoning, there are some legal remedies that may be available to compensate them for their losses, including:
- Personal injury lawsuit: A personal injury lawsuit may be filed against the party that was responsible for the individual’s exposure to the heavy metal, such as an employer or manufacturer. This type of lawsuit can seek compensatory damages such as:
- medical expenses;
- lost wages;
- pain and suffering; and
- other related costs;
- Product liability lawsuit: A product liability lawsuit may be filed against the manufacturer of the product that contained the heavy metal that caused the poisoning. This type of lawsuit can seek compensation for damages as well as hold the manufacturer accountable for producing a dangerous product;
- Workers’ compensation claim: If the heavy metal poisoning occurred on the job, the injured employee may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, which may include:
- medical expenses;
- lost wages; and
- disability benefits; and
- Government compensation: In some cases, the government may provide compensation to individuals who have suffered from heavy metal poisoning due to exposure in certain settings, for example, military service.
Lawyers can help individuals pursue these types of legal remedies by:
- Reviewing the specific circumstances of the case;
- Filing legal claims; and
- Advocating on behalf of the injured plaintiff.
Lawyers may also be able to negotiate with an insurance company or other party to seek a settlement. They will also take the case to trial if necessary.
In some situations, if many individuals have been harmed, the case may be filed as a class action suit. In addition, if the issue is with a product on the market, a product recall may be issued.
Do I Need a Lawyer for Help with Mercury Poisoning Lawsuit?
If you believe you have suffered from mercury poisoning, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. In addition, it is essential to consult with a class action lawyer.
Your lawyer can help you determine the source of your exposure, which parties are responsible, and help you obtain compensation for your injuries and losses. Having a lawyer handle your case will also help ensure that the responsible parties are held accountable for their actions.