Non-Hormonal Birth Control Dangers

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 What Is Non-Hormonal Birth Control?

Any form of birth control that does not entail changing the user’s hormone levels is called non-hormonal birth control. Some birth control methods involve taking tablets or receiving injections that alter the body’s hormonal composition and make it more difficult to conceive.

This is not the case with non-hormonal birth control; instead, these procedures frequently require the placement of a physical barrier to thwart conception.

Non-Hormonal Contraceptive Methods

Non-hormonal birth control methods frequently used include:

  1. Condoms in both male and female versions
  2. Sponge contraceptives
  3. IUDs, such as the Mirena

Users may have access to a variety of additional non-hormonal birth control options. Many of these can be purchased over the counter. Some of these, like non-hormonal IUDs, could need a prescription from a doctor and their help.

  • Barrier techniques: These techniques require creating a barrier between them to prevent the egg and sperm from coming into contact with one another. The most popular kinds are condoms, which come in internal and external varieties placed into the vagina and worn on the penis. Spermicides are another option; they come in tablets, gels, creams, foams, and more. In addition to spermicide, other possibilities include cervical caps, silicone cups intended to be put into the vagina, and diaphragms. Another kind of barrier is a sponge, a piece of foam that must be put into the vagina together with spermicide.
  • Intrauterine devices (IUDs) made of copper: This procedure entails placing a copper-containing device inside the uterus. The device distributes trace amounts of copper into the womb daily to avoid pregnancy. You can use this technique to prevent pregnancy up to five days after engaging in unprotected sex. It can also be used as an emergency contraceptive.
  • Natural techniques: Natural remedies come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The pull-out method, which entails pulling out of the vagina before ejaculation, is chosen by some persons. Others choose the fertility awareness approach, which entails monitoring your monthly cycle and refraining from sexual activity during fertile times. Others choose outercourse, which involves non-penetrative sexual action.

Sterilization entails undergoing a procedure to eliminate the potential of becoming pregnant. Unless you have another surgery to undo it, sterilization is irreversible. The surgery, known as a vasectomy in males with penises, prevents sperm from being discharged and semen.

The procedure, known as tubal ligation in those who have a vagina, prevents the potential of fertilization by stopping eggs from reaching the uterus.

Those who don’t want to use hormonal birth control due to the potential adverse effects may choose non-hormonal birth control. Some people may need non-hormonal birth control and hormonal birth control if they have certain medical issues preventing them from using hormonal birth control.

The best defense against any sexually transmitted disease (STD), including HIV and AIDS, is a male condom (latex or plastic, not lambskin). If protection from STDs is required, a male latex condom or internal condom should be used in addition to other birth control methods (such as the pill, patch, shot, IUD, or sponge).

There are rarely negative effects associated with non-hormonal barrier birth control. Serious negative effects have been connected to copper IUDs like Paragard.

A condom, cervical cap, diaphragm, contraceptive sponge, or spermicides inserted in the vaginal canal may cause discomfort, dryness, or allergy in some women or men. If using causes side effects, speak with your doctor.

Side Effects of Non-Hormonal Birth Control

Non-hormonal birth control methods still have some risks, though they are generally less harmful than hormonal birth control methods. These consist of the following:

  • Skin problems
  • Premenstrual and menstrual symptoms that be more severe
  • Infertility or birth abnormalities
  • Several potential injuries brought on by defective products

Infection or a bad reaction are risks, particularly with intrauterine devices, frequently left inside the user’s body for lengthy periods.

With hormonal birth control, there are a few uncommon side effects, including:

  1. Stroke
  2. Chest pain
  3. Liver cancer
  4. Bleeding from a punctured uterus (from an IUD)
  5. Fever, chills, and breathing issues

It may not be safe to use birth control that contains estrogen if you smoke and are over 35.

Additionally, you ought to abstain from hormonal birth control if you’ve ever had:

  • Breast cancer
  • A clotting condition
  • Cardiac arrest or stroke
  • Migraines
  • High blood pressure
  • Liver disease and venous inflammation
  • Unmanageable diabetes

You can get additional information about these risks from your doctor.

Planned Parenthood claims that the effectiveness of non-hormonal birth control methods varies widely, ranging from 100% successful (outercourse and abstinence) to 71% to 86% effective (cervical cap).

Non-hormonal birth control might call for a change in conduct or way of life.

Abstinence, for instance, requires sacrifice and even a lifestyle change, but it is an effective method of preventing pregnancy.

Tracking your menstrual cycle and refraining from sex (or using birth control) on specific days of your cycle are requirements for employing fertility awareness techniques.

How Much Does Non-Hormonal Birth Control Cost?

The price of non-hormonal birth control can range from $2 (for a condom) to almost $6,000 when it isn’t covered by insurance (tubal ligation).

Spermicide improves the effectiveness of barrier birth control such as diaphragms, sponges, and cervical caps but also raises the price.

Other Negative Effects

There are a few other potential negative consequences of non-hormonal birth control to think about:

  1. Spermicide allergy or irritability
  2. Utilizing a diaphragm increases the risk of urinary tract infection (UTI), as does using a sponge, which increases the risk of HIV and STIs.

Using non-hormonal options, which must be used every time you have sex in contrast to hormonal birth control techniques like implants and injections, requires some planning.

Every time you forgo your preferred method, there’s a possibility that you’ll become pregnant.

To What Extent Should You Use Hormonal Birth Control Over Non-Hormonal Birth Control?

Ask your doctor, who may be a helpful resource in your decision-making process. There are no inappropriate questions. You could ask the following:

  1. Is hormonal birth control safe, given my medical history?
  2. How frequently will my prescription need to be refilled?
  3. Is there any drug that could reduce the effectiveness of birth control?
  4. How do I control the effects?
  5. Can I switch between different hormonal options?

Remembering your questions during your appointment will be simpler if you write them down as you think of them.

Do Non-Hormonal Birth Control Injuries Have Remedies?

Non-hormonal birth control injuries frequently necessitate legal action. These may lead to the injured party receiving a monetary damages award.

Legal recovery is frequently founded on one of two theories: product liability or defective product theory.

They may also include medical malpractice for careless prescribing or managing a patient’s body. The consumer has occasionally suffered harm due to inaccurate or dishonest advertising.

Do I Need an Attorney?

Birth control-related accidents can occasionally be very serious. If you need assistance filing a lawsuit, you might hire a local personal injury attorney in your area.

Your lawyer will be able to give you legal counsel and explain how local laws may apply to your case. Additionally, your attorney will be present to represent you in the upcoming procedure if you need to appear in court. If there are any changes to the law that might affect your legal rights and options, your attorney can provide you with updates.

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