Family Law Attorneys in Utah

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 How Can Utah Court Help with Family Issues?

Most nationwide courts now have a self-help center that allows them to provide various resources and forms for anyone seeking help. For instance, the Utah State Courts’ Self-Help Center (SHC) gives free legal help to people who do not have a lawyer. The SHC helps people understand their rights and responsibilities.

The Self-Help Center attorneys can assist you with the following services:

  • Guide you in completing the necessary forms;
  • Pro Bono legal advice and representation while answering questions about the law, court process, and options;
  • Give you more details on your case and;
  • Provide you with information regarding resources provided by law libraries;

However, it is noteworthy that SHC cannot give you legal advice or represent you inside the courtroom, and an SHC attorney is not considered your lawyer. Remember that legal aid clinics are meant to provide you with general legal information and brief legal advice.

What is Guardianship & Conservatorship?

Conservatorship and guardianship create authority to act on someone else’s behalf. This requires a judge’s order and is only ordered when someone cannot care for themselves. For example, guardianship can be required for a child who cannot represent themselves. The judge usually appoints a guardian for the child to protect their rights and ensure that the ruling meets the child’s best interest standard.

What is Custody?

A custody order is granted to the parents after they separate or divorce. Custody is having control over decisions made for your child that impact their life. It deals with where the child will reside and who will live with them. There are different types of custody arrangements. The parent that the child lives with most of the time is called the custodial parent. Both parents have equal custody rights until a court order establishes custody.

What is Adoption?

Adoption forms a parent and child relationship with all the rights attached. At the same time, it terminates all the rights of any previous parent and child relationship. This relationship must also be created by court order. There is a lengthy process to ensure that everything is completed properly. You will need to appear before the court and sign a written statement stating that you will act in all ways as the parent of the person and take on all the duties that come with that.

What is Divorce?

A lawful marriage can be terminated by obtaining a divorce. Only the courts have the power and authority to carry out orders to end a marriage. There are several options to end a marriage, either temporarily or permanently, such as a legal separation, an annulment, or a divorce. All states follow similar procedures when it comes to ending a divorce. One major difference can be how property is divided in your marriage. Once a divorce is initiated, other issues such as child custody, child support, spousal support, and property division accompany it.

What is Marriage?

Marriage creates a relationship between two people who are lawfully allowed to be matrimonial. This can only be granted through the courts as well. Each state has different requirements for obtaining a marriage license and performing the ceremony to be married. You must be at least 15 years old to get married in Utah. Age requirements can vary depending on the state you reside in, so make sure to check your local state guidelines.

How Do I Obtain a Stalking Injunction?

A civil stalking injunction is a legal document that protects the victim of stalking. The judge orders it and specifies how this protection will be carried out. It further includes information on preventing your stalker from contacting you, harassing you in any way, and staying away from your home or place of employment. Although a civil stalking injunction is a civil order, if the terms are violated, it can be enforced by the police because the violation is a crime.

How Do I Obtain a Dating Violence Protective Order?

Utah law provides that a dating violence protective order can restrict the abuser from threatening to commit or commit any form of violence or abuse against you and any named family or household member. The judge can order that the abuser refrains from harassing or keeping any communication with you. In addition, the abuser can be banned from entering her home, school, or workplace.

How Do I Obtain a Cohabitant Abuse Protective Order?

A protective order is a legal document that shields domestic violence victims from their abusers. Similarly to the other protective order, it can restrict the abuser from contacting you indirectly or directly. The order can further restrict the abuser from keeping distance from you from your home, school, or employment. It can also establish short-term orders on child custody, support, and parenting time.

Before filing for a divorce in Utah, you must prove residency. Below are the requirements for meeting the residency requirements:

  • You or your spouse must have resided in one county for at least ninety (90) days before filing for divorce and;
  • You must file in a county where one of you lives or has lived for at least ninety (90) days.

Utah does have to Do-It Yourself Divorce procedures if needed. But to do this, there must be an agreement to all the terms by both parties. They must agree to custody arrangements, child support, spousal support, and property division matters. But, you will require legal assistance if you have any disputes regarding these matters. This is also called the contested divorce, which requires legal representation in court in almost all scenarios.

As mentioned above, do-it-yourself divorce means there must be no disagreement on the provisions stated in the divorce agreement. Both parties must be in agreement and willing to sign the agreement. We encourage you to have already mutually agreed with your spouse on all terms of the divorce before deciding to divorce yourself.

Utah family lawyers have vast knowledge about the different matters of family law. It is important to familiarize yourself with some basic information to understand your situation better. You can draft a list of all the issues that need to be resolved and see what can be negotiated.

Furthermore, some of the issues are highlighted above, and if you are in a situation that needs more clarification, you can seek a professional mediator to guide you. Remember that representing yourself in a divorce involving complicated terms or extensive debts and property is discouraged.

When Do I Need to Contact a Lawyer?

If you reside in Utah and are experiencing family law issues, do not hesitate to contact your Utah family law attorney in your area to assist you with the process. There are many complex issues when it comes to family law situations. Dealing with them on your own can be difficult. However, having an experienced lawyer in the area can help your situation.

An experienced attorney can provide you with legal guidance and representation throughout the process from start to finish. Also, if there are any updates to Utah family laws that might affect your legal rights or options, your attorney can keep you updated. If you have any specific questions along the way, your lawyer can provide you with the answers and feedback needed for your case.

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