I'm happy with the quality of the clients that I receive from LegalMatch. Since I joined (approximately 4 months), I have closed approximately $60,000 worth of cases. For me, that's a win.
When I joined LegalMatch, I was overjoyed by the consistent case volume -- and by the fact that the cases are interesting. Furthermore, I’m not penalized for responding to each case that’s posted; I get to pick and choose according to my interests and existing docket load.
Personally, I tend to respond to cases involving some form of assault -- regardless of the simplicity or complexity. I also enjoy cases that have the potential for constitutional violations by law enforcement. Every now and then I may respond to a DWI if it’s a first time offender. I prefer a client who’s not a career criminal, but that’s not the sole determining factor in my decision whether or not to respond.
Financially, LegalMatch has had a tremendous positive impact on my business; significantly adding to the bottom line. When I started my membership with LegalMatch, there was a steady stream of about one to two cases a day coming in. I've done 11 cases since I started. My average dollar value of my clients is probably $5,000. I joined LegalMatch to increase my number of clients on the criminal side. I think I've done that.
For attorneys thinking about getting a LegalMatch membership, I recommend taking the plunge. Like any tool, you've got to follow the instructions on how to be successful. You need to respond quickly and then follow-up with a phone call. If you do not, you will be disappointed with the service.
I’m happy with the quality of the clients that I receive from LegalMatch. Since I joined (approximately 4 months), I have closed approximately $60,000 worth of cases. For me, that's a win. My rates are not as aggressive as some mainly because, although I'm not a new attorney, I'm new to criminal law so I price my services accordingly. My $60,000 is probably $75,000 for other attorneys.
Honestly, all I did was follow the instructions LegalMatch provided during my WONDERFUL onboarding process, which is to respond as soon as possible and then follow-up with a call. There’s really no magic bullet aside from that.
Overall, LegalMatch is an excellent value!