Law Library Legal Dictionary – T (Page 2)

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Legal Definitions – T (Page 2)

Three Strikes Law – A type of law that provides for a much harsher punishment, generally a life sentence, the third time a person commits a felony. Not all states have this kind of law.

Ticket Scalping – The resale of tickets to sporting, art, or cultural events at a price higher than the face value of the ticket. Many jurisdictions have regulated such resale, while other jurisdictions have completely banned it.

Time Is of the Essence Clause – A clause contained in a contract that specifies that a certain time or date is important, meaning any delay might be grounds for canceling the contract.

Timeshare – A property ownership arrangement in which each owner has the right to exclusively possess the property for a specified period of time.

Tip Credit Law – A law that allows an employer in the service industry to use the tips that an employee has earned to meet the minimum wage requirement.

Tip Pooling – A system in which the employees of a service company are required to pool their tips together so that it may be redistributed in a way that allows for employees that do not receive their own tips, such as hosts and busboys, to receive a portion of the tips earned during their shifts.

Title and Boundary Disputes – Disagreements about who owns a piece of property and the amount of area the property covers.

Title Insurance – Insurance that protects a potential buyer and lender against possible loss if something in the property’s title documents is inaccurate.

Title IX – A federal law that provides for the abolishment of gender discrimination in public schools in both academics and sports.

Title Search – An examination of county records to determine the property’s title history by a commercial agent such as a title company, an attorney, or escrow officer.

Title VII – The section of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that prohibits discrimination and retaliation against employees who report discrimination to the authorities.

TN Visa – A type of visa that permits Canadian and Mexican citizens to immigrate to the U.S. for the purpose of employment. It is also known as a Trade NAFTA visa.

Tobacco Class Action – A kind of class action lawsuit brought against well-known tobacco manufacturers by their customers who have suffered health problems as a result of consuming tobacco products.

Tort – The act of one party causing injury, damage, or wrong to another party. See Also: Remedies in Tort Law, Tort Law Liability, Tort Law Alternatives

Tortious Interference with a Contract – A situation in which a person wrongfully causes a party to commit a breach of contract, or where the person has disrupted the ability of a party to perform their obligations under a contract.

Toxic Battery – Harmful or offensive contact by one person to another involving a toxic substance, such as throwing acid into a person’s face, without the victim’s consent.

Toxic Exposure – Exposure to a toxic substance, including asbestos and toxic mold, that causes personal injury.

Toy Recall – A situation where a manufacturer of children’s toys pulls their product from retail sales because the toy is dangerous.

Trade Dress – A distinctive, nonfunctional feature that distinguishes a merchant’s or manufacturer’s goods or services from those of another.

Trade Secret – Valuable information that gives a business a competitive edge over other businesses that the business keeps secret.

Trade Secret Misappropriation – The improper acquisition, disclosure, or use of a trade secret.

Trademark – A word, phrase, logo, or other symbol used to identify a specific product or company, thereby distinguishing it from comparable products or companies. See also: Defenses to Trademark Infringement, Trademark Counterfeiting, Loss of Trademark Rights

Transaction Disclosure Terms – Provisions and terms that need to be disclosed in writing in a contract between two or more parties.

Transfer on Death Deed – A deed that automatically transfers property to the intended beneficiary upon the property owner’s death. It is also known as a beneficiary deed.

Transferred Intent – A legal principle that permits intent to be transferred from the intended victim to the actual victim to make the actor liable for the tort or crime that they committed.

Transit Visa – A type of visa that is required for some travelers who are traveling outside their country, but will be stopping by or passing through an airport in another country on their way to their final destination.

Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Card – A type of ID card issued by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for workers who require unescorted access to different secure areas of maritime facilities and certain sea vessels.

Travel Act of 1961 – A federal law that makes it illegal to travel across state lines, or uses the mail or another method to transfer material across state lines, with the intent to promote or facilitate an unlawful activity.

Travel Insurance – Insurance reimburses the policy-holder for costs related to unexpected events that may arise during their trip, such as the cost of having to change the travel date of one’s plane ticket.

Trespass to Chattel – The intentional and wrongful interference of another person’s personal property.

Trespass to Land – The intentional entering onto property by a person other than the property owner without the property owner’s permission.

Trial de Novo – A new trial following a previous trial for the same case in which the entire case is presented as if there had been no previous trial.

Trial Separation – An informal arrangement that a married couple will spend time away from each other for a while with the intention to maintain the marriage. This is not considered to be a legal separation, as the couple remains legally married, even though they may be physically separated.

Trust – A legal instrument that authorizes one person, known as the trustee, to hold legal property for the benefit of other persons, known as beneficiaries. See also: Amending a Trust, Types Of Trusts, Creating a Trust

Trustee Compensation – Compensation given to a trustee in exchange for managing the property that is being held in trust for the beneficiaries.

Truth in Lending Act (TILA) – A federal law that provides guidelines to creditors regarding the disclosures that must be made to a consumer applying for a loan or credit card.

Truth in Savings Act (TISA) – A federal law that governs how banks advertise, what they must tell a customer when the customer applies for an account, and what the bank does behind the scenes with a customer’s account.

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Last Modified: 02-11-2025 06:41 AM UTC